
Smart City Benchmarking App – TM Forum


An App made for Smart City Leaders

If you run a smart city project, this App is for you (iOS app and Android app). With various local stakeholders, benchmark progress in your city against best practices and develop a shared vision for the next couple of years. The smart city leader invites a handful of local experts to input evidence of progress for their city into the App. The wider team and local stakeholders are then invited to score progress and set ’2-year targets’ on the four dimensions of:

  • Leadership & Governance
  • Stakeholder engagement and citizen focus
  • An integrated approach to ICT
  • Effective use of data

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Internal, city-to-city and peer-to-peer learning

Once the benchmark is populated, the city holds a workshop to discuss and refine the results. Then the smart city leader decides how widely to publish its results. The more you share, the more you benefit. You can share:

  • Just within your city
  • With cities within your country
  • With cities within a city group
  • With cities internationally

The App uses the social media profiles of electing participants so they can find and work with practitioners in their city and other cities who are working on similar issues. As cities find common ground and benchmark their progress, it accelerates peer-to-peer learning.

Understanding the team dynamics in your smart city

Smart City work involves multiple stakeholders, from different organizations. Getting everyone on the same page is hard. The App shows you how much agreement there is within the team about what you are all doing and which aspects of your program need further discussion.

Case studies from numerous cities

The App contains numerous videos and written case studies from cities around the world, providing insights into what others are doing. The case studies are updated regularly by TM Forum and its partners.

How much does it cost?

Every city can download and use the App for free (iOS app and Android app).

Source: Smart City Benchmarking App – TM Forum

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